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Why I am Outwitting Life

I used to think acceptance was akin to defeat. If you accept something then you are “giving in.” I have decided (at least for me), this is not true. Yes, acceptance may mean change but change doesn’t have to defeat you. It will, if you let it, so you have to be prepared and ready to fight it. I say this as if it is easy…

Grocery Chronicles – Week 1

Who hates grocery shopping? I certainly do. I especially dislike it now that I am trying to be budget conscious. I don’t mean to sound like a spoiled brat, but I never had to watch our food budget until this year. I, quite frankly, never paid any attention. I just bought whatever I knew the family liked or wanted and barely payed attention to any sales. For me, it…

Is There a Perfect Time?

Two years ago, I received a gift card from a friend for my birthday. It was an American Express card that I could use anywhere. I was so excited! What should I use it for? Should I buy something decadent for myself that I could never justify using my own money for? Should I get a massage and a manicure or try a new restaurant with the hubby? I had…

Friends for Life

There’s something very special about having life-long friends. Sure, there’s times where you may not be in touch as much as you’d like but when you do get together again it’s as if you had seen each other yesterday. Do you know what I mean? I am very fortunate that my core group of friends are from elementary school. We have known each other over…

Six Tips You Need When Moving

Moving is never an easy process. I have moved in and out of apartments, across the country and two blocks away–every move was difficult. We are currently living in the fifth house we’ve owned. You would think after five house moves we’d be experts, but ,I can tell you there is always something new to learn. Here are six things I would suggest you…

Enjoying God’s Symphony In Our New Home This Spring

We are so enjoying God’s symphony in our new home this spring! Have you ever heard of spring being referred to as God’s symphony? Almost twenty years ago, my husband and I lived in a suburb of Chicago. Born and raised in New Yorkers (Queens & Westchester), I was recruited for a sales management position there, and my husband had just become a victim of bank…