It’s Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day!

Ever wonder where these proclamations come from? According to the National Calendar, it’s “Step in a puddle and splash your friends day!” (January 11th, 2023.)

Are you having your friends over today to play in puddles? How fun would that be? I would love to splash around in some puddles. I believe I may be too old for that, or am I? Let’s start with first things first.

Do you follow the National Calendar? Are you aware it exists? I certainly was surprised to learn of it. It’s an actual thing! It has a website that you can find here:

Step in a puddle
Splash your friends!

Love to Step in a Puddle?

You can sign up and get daily alerts to know what “national” day it is. It will also tell you how that day came into existence. When you have a minute, I recommend you explore their website. If you are anything like me, you’ll be fascinated by the stories you find there. Or, bombarded with useless information, it’s all how you view things!

After meandering through the website, I concluded that the National Calendar is all about having fun each day. There is something for everyone! I am identifying one day per week in 2023 to celebrate something I like on the National Calendar.

I will not bore you with my selection for the whole year. However, I will let you in on my plans for the rest of January!

Days to Celebrate in January

  • January 11th – National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day
  • January 17th – National Classy Day
  • January 26th – National Spouses Day
  • January 28th – National Corn Chip Day

There is typically more than one category designated for each day. There is so much to choose from; I had difficulty narrowing it down. It will be fun to participate in these National Calendar days. I will be sure to post how I am celebrating on social media. Such a fun thing to do in 2023.

Would You Splash Your Friends in a Puddle?

What do you typically do for fun? You must make time for levity in your life. We all need playtime. And that is true for all ages. According to an article on Shondaland, “Being playful has enormous psychological benefits.”

It's Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day!
Adult coloring books

Adults need to schedule play time as it is not something they are typically used to doing. Playtime for us (adults) can be anything. Here are some examples:

  • Challenge a friend to checkers
  • Play cards
  • Do Scrapbooking
  • Join a book club
  • Complete a DIY project
  • Knit/crochet
  • Do a puzzle
  • Play tennis, pickle ball, Bacci
  • Take a walk
  • Do a crossword
  • Go for a bike ride
  • Color/paint
  • Bake
It's Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day
Puzzles are fun!

Participating in play that involves concentration for 20 to 30 minutes daily will help alleviate stress and lift your spirits. Moreover, it has been known to cause increased social bonding while fostering creativity and problem-solving. Play encourages growth. Plus, it’s fun!

It's step in a puddle and splash your friends day
Let’s have some fun!

We can all use a little fun in our lives, right? What do you do for fun? Is there something new you would like to try? I think it is important not to overthink fun. We want to complicate things. Please do not think you need to plan an entire day of fun by deciding to learn rock climbing and attempt Mount Killamanjaro. That would be way too much fun!

Likewise, spinning a top one time for twelve seconds is not enough fun. Find yourself a happy medium. Reading is fun for me. Scheduling a half-hour per day to read a book (non-business) really appeals to me. What appeals to you? This cannot be a chore, so select something you enjoy.

Not sure how to have fun? Before writing this piece, I read many articles on “adult fun.” A consistent suggestion for those trying to select a play activity as an adult is to reflect on their childhood.

Did you like to play in the leaves outside as a child? You may want to consider gardening, taking a bike ride, or walking as your fun activity. Were you a fan of Legos when you were younger? Psychologists recommend you do a puzzle, craft, or DIY for fun.

We (as adults) are drawn to similar activities from our childhood. Likewise, if you were one of the kids outside playing tag or ring-a-livio all day, you should consider joining a club or group as your fun activity. Makes sense.

In conclusion, I encourage you to find a way to add playtime to your day. Just because we may be adults doesn’t mean we can no longer play. As long as we are alive, we should find time to play. It has been proven to relieve stress and anxiety, which we deal with daily. I could use less stress and anxiety in my life, so I am “all in” on playing every day. I hope you join me.

As usual, kindly comment below if anything I have said resonates with you today. Or to share with me how you work fun into your day.

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