
It’s Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day!

Ever wonder where these proclamations come from? According to the National Calendar, it’s “Step in a puddle and splash your friends day!” (January 11th, 2023.) Are you having your friends over today to play in puddles? How fun would that be? I would love to splash around in some puddles. I believe I may be too old for that, or am I? Let’s start…

A Tongue-in-Cheek Post on Meeting Your Demise

Warning: this post is silly. Do not read unless you need some fun in your life. This is a tongue-in-cheek post on meeting your demise and any regrets you may have. I probably confused you with the Gandhi quote. Some things are not as they appear! Would you have any regrets if you died tomorrow? For starters, it wouldn’t matter since you would be dead, right…

Friends for Life

There’s something very special about having life-long friends. Sure, there’s times where you may not be in touch as much as you’d like but when you do get together again it’s as if you had seen each other yesterday. Do you know what I mean? I am very fortunate that my core group of friends are from elementary school. We have known each other over…