
Thanksgiving Day When There’s No More Kid’s Table

It was bound to happen eventually. How are you going to handle Thanksgiving Day when there’s no more kid’s table? Yikes! Your refrigerator is bare. There are no handprint turkeys pasted to it. Your kids are now adults, but they are not yet married. Do you bide your time until the grandkids arrive? Or, do you set up an adult crafting table? In 2020, we all…

Outwitting Thanksgiving in a Pandemic

Can you believe we’re still dealing with a pandemic? What will outwitting Thanksgiving in a pandemic look like? This will be interesting! It never occurred to me that the pandemic would impact our Thanksgiving family gatherings in March. I thought Covid-19 would be long gone by now. But it is still lingering. Not only has Covid not made its graceful exit, but it may be gearing up…