
Why My Last Threesome Was Six Years Ago

I bet you are very curious about this headline. I’ve never had the threesome you are most likely imagining. Six years ago was my last radiation treatment. Yes, I refer to it as my last threesome since I had two male technicians manipulate my breasts daily, Monday through Friday, for 7.5 weeks. That is a long time! Every day, these men strategically placed my breasts so the…

Three Ways To Handle Any Adversity You Encounter

Lately, adversity has been a frequent constant in my life. It seems to find me right after I have figured out how to handle the previous adversity. At this point, I believe I have become an expert. So, I will share with you three ways to handle any adversity you encounter. Let’s face it, we all encounter adversity. No one lives a perfect life. There are many types…

Does Your Faith Still Sustain You Post-Cancer?

It’s been three years since I wrote this post, and I still rely on my faith daily. Does your faith still sustain you post-cancer? While some of my routines have changed, my faith hasn’t faltered. I feel so lucky to have such a strong foundation. Do you believe in God? Do you turn to him when tragedy strikes? If not, what do you do? My…