Have You or Do You Want to Make a Significant Life Change?

Change is challenging and exciting at the same time. Have you or do you want to make a significant life change? What could inspire you to do so?

Did you happen to watch the Grammys this past Sunday? Lizzo mentioned in her acceptance speech that Beyonce inspired her to become a singer. She skipped out of school in the fifth grade to attend a Beyonce concert. Lizzo was so moved by a song Beyonce sang that day that she decided she wanted to become an artist and make others feel like she did right then.

How great is that? Do you think Beyonce had any idea (at that concert) that she was inspiring Lizzo to be the artist she is today? Of course not. Inspiration can come from anywhere, and many times it surprises you.

Have You or Do You Want to Make a Significant Life Change?
Chase Your Dreams

Have You Ever Made a Significant Life Change?

Why did you change? Was it your choice? What motivated or inspired you to do so? I am jealous of Lizzo. She decided to pursue her dream, and she did it. Plus, she is encouraging women to pursue their dreams as well. She has broken the weight barrier. You no longer have to be a skinny minny to be successful in the performance industry. Good for her!

When I was about ten, I decided I wanted to be a writer. I carried a black marble notebook around the school for writing poems in. Likewise, I had a spiral notebook for jotting down sports interest story ideas when I attended high school. Hence, I’d dream of being a sports reporter.

In College, I began writing for the Campus newspaper, The Circle. I eventually moved up from sports staff reporter to Sports Page Editor and finally Editor in Chief. It appeared I was on my way to realizing my dream. But then I graduated, started interviewing for newspapers, and kept receiving secretarial job offers. No one wanted a female sports reporter. I was heartbroken.

Giving Up My Dream Worked Out

To make a very long story short, I went into sales. Being a hard worker, I quickly excelled and learned that the harder I worked, the more money I made. It was quite the gig! I made sales my career for thirty years and rose to an executive-level position. While I missed writing, making money afforded me independence and luxuries that made up for putting my passion aside. Until it didn’t.

Significant life change
Amazing but true!

As a result of my cancer diagnosis, I experienced a significant life change. I lost my job, struggled with my health, and wound up on Social Security Disability. Not exactly how I expected my career to progress. However, this occurrence has allowed me to write this blog. As I mentioned previously, writing was a passion of mine as early as elementary school. Writing this blog keeps me happy. And writing doesn’t care how old I am.

Lots of people feel pursuing childhood dreams while in adulthood is foolish. They believe they are “too old” or “past their prime.” However, many studies suggest otherwise. Here is an interesting article that provides “5 Tips to Chase Your Dreams.” https://www.rightathome.net/blog/chase-your-dreams. Its author describes herself as a writer dedicated to helping older Americans live healthier, more fulfilling lives. 

Facing Your Fear is Hard
Sometimes, you just gotta do it!

You Can Make a Significant Life Change at Any Age

Call me crazy, but I do not think of myself as an older American. My brain still operates like a thirty-something. Sure, I have a few wrinkles, but I like going out with friends, being silly, and having a good time. I can proudly say I still live up to my childhood nickname – Lulu. My sense of humor is firmly intact; I am computer savvy and even have an Instagram page. There is nothing “older” about me. No sir!

Denial can be beneficial at times; just saying. Where was I? Many folks have made significant changes later in life. Here’s a listing of people you probably know:

  • Colonel Sanders established the Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant chain at age 65.
  • Vera Wang entered the fashion world at age 40.
  • Laura Ingalls Wilder began writing “Little House on the Prairie” at age 65.
  • Estelle Getty had a relatively unsuccessful acting career until she landed a role in “The Golden Girls” television series at 63.
  • Mohr Keet, a WWII veteran, became the world’s oldest bungee jumper in 2010 at 96. (he didn’t begin jumping until the age of 88)
  • Harriette Thompson, a cancer survivor, ran her first marathon at age 76 and, at 91 years old, completed her 15th marathon, becoming the second-oldest marathon runner in U.S. history.
  • Julia Child published her first cookbook at age 50.
Today is the day; Take action, do good, and enjoy!
Why Not Go For It?

Make the Change; Your Dreams are Worth It

After reading this list, how can you not be inspired to pursue your dreams? If you need further convincing, google “success at an older age,” and you will find many more individuals thriving well into their seventies or eighties.

I believe their success is directly related to doing something they love. Following a passion is energizing! You know that saying, “Do something you love every day, and you’ll never work a day in your life?” Sometimes life needs to happen first for you to fulfill your passion. We are all on different paths. Circumstances may derail your efforts earlier in life, but that should not deter you.

Please comment below and let me know your passion/dream and if you plan to pursue it. If so, I would love to be your biggest cheerleader!

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About The Author



  1. Jackie | 8th Feb 23

    Another great one, Loretta! Thank you for sharing your experience, passion, and inspiration. ♥️

    • Loretta | 9th Feb 23

      Thank you very much Jackie. Glad you enjoyed it. I appreciate your kind words and unending support!

  2. Kathy | 9th Feb 23

    Loretta, this is very motivating. I truly appreciate your great writing thank you

    • Loretta | 9th Feb 23

      Thank you very much Kathy. I am so happy you enjoyed it!

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