Is 50 Really the New 30 or are we Kidding Ourselves?

This whole aging thing has me confused. I was at a family party last weekend, and we were looking at some “old” pictures. “Old,” meaning the photos were taken with a camera and not an iPhone! Can you imagine? The party was for my brother and his wife, who were celebrating their 40th Wedding Anniversary. The pictures chronicled their dating years through today. They were great fun to look at (especially the ones of my brother with hair)!

It got us talking about age and how we are aging much differently than our parents. When we look at pictures of our parents when they were 50 years old and compare them to images of ourselves in our fifties, our parents look much older than us. Why is that? I’m guessing it is because we live a better, healthier lifestyle. I know I never smoked cigarettes, yet Joyce and Dan (my parents) imbibed in a pack+ a day habit. That could not have been good for their overall health! We, on the other hand, have access to miracle face creams and fountain of youth make-up that was not available when our parents were younger. Undoubtedly, that has helped us keep our youthful glows! But, aside from the physical characteristics, I believe we think younger than our parents did at this age. Do you?

You are never too old to have fun! (Sis and Mother-in-Law)

It seems to me that age is no longer a number. I know that I am in a “fiftyish” body yet, mentally, I think and feel like I am still 25-30ish. Can you relate? I am currently reinventing myself and learning a new trade as I did in my thirties! This makes me think I am younger than I really am. I finally understand the saying, “you are as young as you feel.” I do have vivid memories of my Mom when she was in her fifties, and here are some examples of where we differ:

  • I don’t own, nor do I ever want to own, a house-coat or a rain bonnet.
  • I have no intention of going weekly to a beauty salon to get my hair washed, set and teased.
  • I refuse to wear crew-neck sweatshirts with appliques on them.
  • My idea of traveling is not going to Southold, NY for a weekend.

Times have changed. Fashions for older women are more trendy now. I remember my daughter wearing the same sweater from American Eagle as her Aunt (who was 30+ years older than her) to a family party one year. Is there something wrong with that? Should we be banished to shopping at “age-appropriate” stores once we hit our fifties? If you can pull off the fashion trend, then why not wear it? I own leggings, leopard print shoes, and jackets. Do I dress too young? My mother’s generation may think so, but I don’t. I hope to be accessorizing smart even into my eighties – no frumpy clothes for me.

Looking fashionable at our nephew’s wedding in our 50’s and 80’s!

I decided to stop coloring my hair once it reappeared after my chemo treatments ended. It has grown back gray, and I’m letting it stay that way. I feel as if I have earned it! I also think that if I want to dye it bleach-blond, I should be able to do that too. The older I get, the freer I feel to express my individuality. I am sure a lot of that comes from me having battled cancer recently and knowing that life is fleeting. Still, I have friends that dress more fashion-conscious today than they did in their twenties. I’m guessing there is no right or wrong here.

My parents traveling adventures were minimal. They went to Florida for a month each year and one-time they ventured to England/Ireland. My husband and I have taken cruises, gone on ski trips, been to the Bahamas, Jamaica, and Florida multiple times. Experiences are all the rage these days as my nieces and nephews demonstrate while flitting all over the world.

Sunset in the Bahamas.

For my older readers, do you have specific guidelines that you follow? Have you ever looked in the mirror and said, “I can’t wear this; it’s too young for me?” Do my Millenial readers sense there is a point in time where they will refuse to wear ripped jeans because they’ve grown too old? I once tried on a pair of jeans that were ripped and I didn’t like them. Truth be told, I think ripped jeans are foolish. Who pays for something with holes in it? Gosh, darn, I think I just showed my age! Sssh, I’m still going with 50 is the new 30. How about you?

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  1. Rafael | 11th Oct 19

    I enjoyed the article! You take a great approach at looking at age and I agree with you that it is only a number. It’s all in how we act and feel (putting the occasional stiff back or knee aside!). We definitely act and think younger than our parents were at our age. Is it because of social media? or the foods we eat? or not smoking? Maybe. Traveling definitely exposes you to other lifestyles. Overall, 50 is the new 30, and I’m enjoying it!

  2. MaryJo | 11th Oct 19

    I really enjoyed your post and feel the same way! I am young on the inside, even if the outside doesn’t always agree… and I can promise you will never find me wearing polyester 😉

  3. Don Munro | 11th Oct 19

    Bravo! I’m with you on the ripped jeans (My argument is that you’re paying more for less material. Plus it looks ratty.)

    I am in the best shape of my life now, as I approach 60. What’s more, I feel good — physically and mentally.

    I’m grateful. Every time I get to thinking that I’d like to be younger, I remember I’m supposed to be where I am now … nowhere else.

    Miss you!

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