Poor Air Quality and UAPs Will Not Deter My Positivity

Yesterday, our neighborhood was enveloped in a yellow haze reminiscent of an apocalypse movie. Typically Miss Upbeat, poor air quality, and UAPs will not deter my positivity.

You probably saw some pictures in the news of what New York City looked like yesterday. I live on Long Island in Nassau County, New York, approximately 45 minutes east of New York City. Our area looked similar. It was eerie. Walking through the haze was surreal, but the smell got to me. It smelled like burning wood.

My eyes were affected by both the smoke and odor. I ran inside the house as fast as I could. What’s happening in our world?

Weird things continue to happen. Did you see the government report regarding UFOs? Or, as they call them now, UAPs? The panel investigating citings of extraterrestrial vehicles stopped short of saying, “Yes, we are aware of aliens.” The overall response was that the data was inconclusive. Yea, sure.

My positivity

This Will Not Deter My Positivity

For years, Navy Pilots have recorded citings of vehicles in the sky that move extremely quickly and appear to defy current technology. So, what are they? And who/what is powering them? Nasa held its first public meeting regarding this. You can read the Reuters article here: https://www.R.com/world/us/nasa-panel-hold-first-public-meeting-ufo-study-ahead-report-2023-05-31/. The good news (I think) is that there is a task force moving forward to investigate all reported UAPs.

Do UAPs, yellow haze, and unhealthy air quality scare you? They certainly do not make me feel all cozy inside. Couple these phenomena with Covid 19; we live in some tenuous times. So how do you maintain positivity? Intentionally!

My Positivity Can Withstand This

Do we have any control over the Canadian forest fires or UAPs? Heck no! So, I will intentionally NOT dwell on these things. If I let every little thing in our world today affect me, I would be one sorry, sad sack. It’s ridiculous out there! I will look for something to be grateful for and focus on that.

My Positivity

Are you aware there are proven health benefits to staying positive? According to the Clever Girl Finance website, https://www.clevergirlfinance.com/how-to-stay-positive-in-a-negative-world/, keeping a positive mindset has proven to:

  • Lower rates of depression and stress
  • Better cardiovascular health
  • Higher resistance to illness
  • Reduced risk of death from cancer, respiratory conditions, and infections
  • An increased lifespan

Sign me up for this!

My Positivity Takes Effort

I never considered whether I was positive or negative until my cancer battle. Positivity comes naturally to me. My glass is half-full. I believe it is a blessing from God. That is not to say that God hasn’t challenged me. As I have mentioned in previous posts, I dealt with a severe bout of depression post-cancer. That, coupled with my near-death experience, has me looking long and hard at what’s important to me and what is not.

I do not sweat the small stuff anymore. Likewise, I have learned not to fret over things out of my control. If something challenging occurs in my life, I will deal with it. I no longer allow myself to dwell on the anticipation of it. Admittedly, this has taken me years to conquer. It is not easy, and I do find myself slipping back sometimes, but then I realize it and adjust my course.

Not Deter my positivity

Why Worry About Something Yet to Occur?

Do you worry a lot? Do you suffer from anxiety? So many people do. The next time you become worried or anxious about something, ask yourself, how important is it? Chances are you can postpone your worrying until the event occurs. My body feels lighter since I figured out how to do this. I recommend you try it.

The Earth could get hit by a meteor tomorrow. Should I worry about that? Or worry about getting hit by a car or any other event that may happen? No. It does me no good. I believe things happen as they should (unless you jump before a moving train). I am so much calmer since I have accepted that. Unfortunately, I do believe this type of thinking comes with age.

Not Deter My Positivity

I continuously tell my daughter not to worry about things that have not happened. She’s a planner, so this concept is very challenging for her. Anticipating an outcome, whether good or bad, is in her DNA. Hopefully, I can get her to focus on what she can control sooner than I did. Her life will be so much more enjoyable!

It Gets Greater Later

It is both a blessing and a curse to get older. I experience things differently now. My career life seems one hundred years ago! When I think of my working days, I am shocked by the dedication and sheer hours I devoted to my job. A dear friend lost their spouse when I was in Portland, OR, to give a work presentation. I was fearful of losing my job, so I stayed put. Where were my priorities? I should have jumped on the first plane and rushed home. That job was not more important than my friendship. I know that now.

A feeling of peace has come over me. I no longer argue to make a point, even if I know I am right. Who cares? I have never felt so confident. Yesterday, a man attempted to cut me off on the car wash line. I rolled down my window and said nicely, “I was here before you, and you know it. I’m next.” He let me go. What else could he do?

It would be great if I could bottle up this newfound attitude and give it to my children. However, I know life is a process, and everyone has to live their life before they arrive at this point. So, in conclusion, enjoy every single day! Forget about the yellow haze and UAP sightings. Keep the focus on things you want to do, make good decisions, and embrace life. It gets greater later.

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