Strangers That Have Inspired Me to Be a Better Person

Thank goodness for strangers–they literally saved my life. I found the strangers that have inspired me to be a better person on Instagram. They are accompanying me on my Outwitting Life journey. In fact, they inspired me to be a better person.

It’s been happening slowly this past year. Thanks to inspiration from strangers, I have been taking baby steps and branching out of my comfort zone.

It’s time to publicly thank them and let them know that they have greatly contributed to my Outwitting Life journey.

My world went off the rails in Fall 2016 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I won’t go into the full details, but I had two surgeries, chemo, radiation, a kidney stone, and almost died from Sepsis.

Cancer turned my life upside down. I went from being a sales executive earning a high income to a chemo-fogged, fatigued, and unemployable sad sack. Pathetic, but true.

Finding Strangers to Inspire Me

Enter the Internet! I started researching budgeting, savings, DIY, grocery hacks, and shopping deals since we struggled with our finances. And that’s where I found my inspiration.

In some regards, I feel like this may seem a little creepy because I was, in a sense, stalking these accounts on Instagram. However, since it is International Women’s Day, it seems appropriate for me to give a “shout out” to these amazing women.

I am what you would call a mature woman. Okay, I’m actually old! So, what could I possibly learn from these younger ladies? Quite a lot, it seems! For starters, they’ve taught me you are never too old to learn something new.

Instagram for Inspiration

Here is a list of the Instagram accounts that I have been following this past year. Please click their links and view their sites. Maybe you will learn something from them too.

  • a.dabbled.dwelling This account is all about DIY. Kelsey documents DIY projects and freely admits she is learning as she goes. Her backyard transformation was incredible. We were forced to downsize, and I found myself with a bathroom I didn’t like. Kelsey said that a new coat of paint always made her like things better. So, I DM’d her and said I was thinking of painting my bathroom and that she was inspiring me with all her DIYs. She immediately responded and said, “Definitely, go for it. You can do it.” So, I did, and I was thrilled. I painted my first room at the age of 60! It wasn’t perfect, but it looked a hell of a lot better! Unfortunately, the Texas storms hit Kelsey and her family and sustained much damage. She is nine months pregnant and is already back on Instagram asking her followers to help her choose new flooring for rooms impacted. Talk about being a strong woman! If you need inspiration, she’s as good as it gets!
  • thediscountdarling Michelle is a fashion influencer. She finds the greatest sales! I do not know how I would have afforded Christmas for my family if it wasn’t for her recommendations. I love that she is a rescue dog mommy of two and always so upbeat and happy. She is fun to follow and has no qualms about speaking her mind. Especially during election time! Admittedly, her style is not for me. She is young, gorgeous, and a size 2. I need to put a 1 in front of that 2 for the size to fit me! But, she’s great for recommendations on what the trends are for my nieces and nephews. And, it turns out we have more in common than I would have thought. You never know where your inspiration will come from!
  • daisydupes This account is all about finding quality designer dupes for much less money. She is personally responsible for many shoes in my closet! She talks about loving botox and her favorite make-up. She introduced me to the best mascara I’ve ever used! She pokes fun at herself, and you can see she loves what she does. There is something so endearing and real about how she handles herself. Listening to her and her challenges warms my heart. She reminds me that people’s lives sometimes are not as perfect as they seem. I cried the day she mentioned that her friend had died from cancer. Two days earlier, she was told she had six months to live. You can be beautiful and have a bunch of followers, but life still happens.
  • latteswithliz I think I found this account by entering a giveaway. Liz is a fashion influencer. I like how she fashions one piece in a bunch of different ways. I need those visuals! She has the most adorable little girls and a Navy husband. She unabashedly talks about her love for Jesus. She asks for prayers when she needs them, and she’ll pray for you too if you need it. She is such an inspiration to me for just being genuine. She is who she is. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone in the world was confident enough just to be themselves?
  • thekennedycurate I came across this account name and clicked on it out of curiosity because my maiden name is Kennedy. I am so grateful I did! Rachel’s blog is all about living a feminine lifestyle. She posts inspiring quotes and encourages women to be bold and take risks. She talks about being open to an abundant lifestyle and being conscious of your energy. She has wisdom beyond her years. She is an SEO master, and I have benefitted greatly from taking her classes. She has taught me that you feel much better about yourself when you dress elegantly. She exudes confidence and makes you feel better too. I believe everything happens for a reason, and I know Rachel has been put on my path to help make me a better person. I love learning from her! She has the strongest sense of self I have ever encountered.
  • Stacey is a fellow breast cancer survivor. She has chosen to go on a health journey. She posts about her progress and what challenges she has been facing. She inspires me with her ability to keep at it. There are days when she admits she doesn’t want to do the workout, but she still does. I admire her dedication. I relate to her, especially when she talks about her family and her illness’s impact on them (and still does). Another strong woman whose a great example of setting goals and achieving them.

I am so grateful to these women who have impacted my life for the better while strangers. I was very broken a year ago. Kelsey showed me I could try something new. Michelle taught me it’s okay to be outspoken (she’s not just an influencer). Laura demonstrated how to be endearing to your audience. Liz proved to me it’s okay to love Jesus. Rachel showed me ways to increase my confidence. Stacey exhibited dedication under stress. These are just some of the lessons I have learned from these incredibly talented women.

Thank you, ladies, for doing what you do and allowing people like me to learn from you. Because you are never too old to learn!

About The Author



  1. Jackie | 8th Mar 21

    This was a lovely read, Loretta. Giving shoutouts to some of your favorite “strangers” was such a great idea. Continue to shine on and be well.

    • Loretta | 10th Mar 21

      Thanks for the note Jackie. I hope you have a chance to visit some of these accounts, they really are fabulous!

  2. Mike | 9th Mar 21

    What I have seen you go through the past 4+ years I would put you in this category of women too. Keep doing what you are doing.

    • Loretta | 10th Mar 21

      Thanks for always being my #1 fan honey!

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