be kind

Three Pieces of Advice That Will Change Your Life

Everyone has an opinion, whether you want to hear it or not. I have had my share of solicited and unsolicited advice. And I’d like to share three pieces of advice that will change your life. That is if you are open to hearing it and heeding it too. Advice is a tricky thing. Have you ever received advice that you didn’t listen to, only to…

How to Create a Plan for Surviving Life After a Tragedy

Getting older is more challenging than I ever imagined. For example, I never thought I would write a blog post on how to create a plan for surviving life after a tragedy. Yet, here I am. This past weekend, I celebrated my sixty-second birthday. Not bad for someone who thought they wouldn’t make it past thirty. I was a mess when I was younger, but I was…

Covid Appears to Be Inducing Public Rudeness

I fear Covid is inducing public rudeness. We did take out tonight. I know it is not an indulgence we should make when on a budget. We are trying to support local businesses during Covid, and I needed Mexican food. I drove to get the take-out, and a man was walking into the restaurant before me. He did not hold the double doors for me even though I was…