
Four Simple Holiday Depression Hacks You Could Use Today

This time of year tends to bring out all the “feels.” For some of us, that means holiday depression rather than seasonal merriment. But there’s no need to despair. Luckily, there are four simple holiday depression hacks you could use today. They are also relatively easy. Did you lose a loved one this year? Suffer any health challenges within your family? Perhaps you or your spouse…

What Are Your Top Five Favorite Springtime Activities?

What are your top five favorite springtime activities? There is so much to do in spring that it’s hard to identify your favorite five activities. One thing is sure – it is time to get outside! Let’s go ahead and shake off winter. Yes, there still may be a few cooler days coming, but the weather is getting warmer. Colorful plants are in front of every…

What Unique Family Traditions Do You Enjoy at Holiday Time?

Honoring family traditions during Christmas time is so comforting for me. It is what I look forward to every year. What unique family traditions do you enjoy at holiday time? When the kids were younger, we went to Breakfast with Santa. Gosh, I loved that! We’d get them dressed in their Christmas finery and go to Applebees for breakfast. Santa would show up on a firetruck. The entire…

Random Thoughts In Case You Need A Chuckle

As I write this today, I’m feeling a bit scattered, so I thought it might be fun to jot down some of the everyday musings inside my head. Following are some random thoughts in case you need a chuckle. The Christmas commercials are out already, and we haven’t had our turkey yet. I am feeling old. I remember my mom complaining about this when I was…

What Does Memorial Day Mean To You and Your Family?

Memorial Day is the unofficial/official kick-off of the Summer season. What does Memorial Day mean to you and your family? It originated as a day of remembrance. I believe lately, its meaning is being overshadowed by the start of Summer. That makes me sad. This Memorial Day weekend will undoubtedly feature the smell of hot dogs and hamburgers, and the sounds of Summer will be all around you…