Trying to Make Sense of The Nonsense

So many things seem off in this world today. In this post, I am trying to make sense of the nonsense. It is all around us. Have you noticed?

Let’s use intermittent fasting as an example. It is currently lauded as the latest fad to help you lose weight. Intermittent fasting requires you to eat during certain hours of the day – typically during daylight hours.

Do you eat three meals a day whether you are hungry or not? Most people do. If you only eat when you are hungry, you’d most likely maintain an average weight. Intermittent fasting has you eating during your most active time of day. I believe that’s akin to using food as fuel, is it not?

Make sense of the nonsense
We all sift through the nonsense.

We have become so programmed through marketing and advertising to eat much more food than our bodies need for nourishment. If you have a big breakfast, it is perfectly okay to skip lunch. When the clock strikes noon, you do not have to eat.

I am guilty of this. When I eat a bagel for breakfast, it usually keeps me full way past noon. However, if a friend texts me and asks me out to lunch, I will go and eat a large meal when I am not even hungry. Unfortunately, this is why my jeans are tight!

Make Sense of the Nonsense

How much of your day revolves around habits? Do you have a set routine every day? If yes, why and where did you learn it from? My parents never taught me a routine growing up other than to set my alarm to be ready for school on time. When my alarm wakes me up, I drink a full glass of water, make my bed, and head to the bathroom.

I shower using my special hair-thickening shampoo and conditioner, exfoliate with my sugar scrub, and blast myself with a cold rinse before shutting the water off. Is all of this necessary? After reading articles and browsing the internet, I learned that a morning routine is good, so I dutifully obey.

Oh, I almost forgot. I leave myself an extra 15 minutes to meditate or pray before I start my day.

Are We?

Buying Into the Nonsense Hype

How many of you make your bed because of that Marine on the internet saying you should? Does any hair-thickening shampoo work? If it did, why don’t I have lush locks? I have been trying many brands since I lost my hair to cancer. No winners yet!

Does a cold rinse do anything for you except make you feel chilly when you get out of the shower? The sugar scrub is nice, but is it necessary?

It is hard not to buy into what many manufacturers/entrepreneurs sell. I want thick hair, hydrated skin, and a body jump-started by a cold rinse to face the day. Does ‘t everyone? I enjoy having a routine in the morning, so I am not necessarily complaining. In fact, I do feel better being in a routine. So why do I feel manipulated?

Advertising Messages Wear Me Down!

Maybe I am getting more impatient as I age. Seeing the same commercial or the same post over and over again gets on my nerves. There are too many commercials on TV promoting various cures for varicose veins, COPD, and swearing a healthy diet prevents cancer recurrence (probably a future post by the way). I think I need the COPD breathing device by the time I go to bed, and I’ve never smoked! Not only are these advertisers relentless, but they are also effective in making you believe you need what they sell. Kudos to them for doing such a great job!

Here’s some nonsense!

However, they are exhausting me. Can you relate? I want to separate the knowledge I need from the nonsense I hear. Does that make sense? Maybe someone can invent a personal filter for me? Keeping this in mind, below is a rant about the ads that have become nails on a chalkboard for me. Thank you in advance for allowing me to expel some frustration!

Personal Rants

  • Why must we watch a 30-minute video to find out how to lower blood sugars or drop twenty pounds? If you have the damn cure or secret diet, just share it. Such BS! (Instagram)
  • How can saving your music clip put thousands of dollars in my bank account tomorrow? Come on; do people real y believe this? (Instagram)
  • Exactly how many Medicare re-sellers are the e in the world? Must they all run ads for the e act same thing? Please, stop giving so many options to folks too old to understand even one. Simple would be best. (Television)
  • Also, please, stop with the pictures of the Blessed Mother and Jesus saying I must type Amen. My Catholic guilt kicks in every time I scroll! I refuse to believe Mary or Jesus is on Instagram. So, what’s the point? (Instagram)
  • Lastly, I’ve been thinking about tripping on someone’s sidewalk so I can sue them and get the $2 million dollars all the law firms guarantee they can get me. Seriously, do we need to encourage people to sue each other?

This Nonsense Post is Done

Okay, thank you for indulging me in this crazy post. I feel much better getting these thoughts on paper. I believe I have proven the point of our necessity to be continually outwitting life! What rants would you like to share? Please leave them in a comment below.

In conclusion, there is none since this is a nonsense post! I will say that I’ve learned sometimes you have to take the good with the bad. It is our choice how we sift through the nonsense. Keep what you need and leave the rest. And allow yourself the occasional rant to feel better.

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