Why Should You Choose to Participate in the Self-care Trend?

Self-care seems to be everywhere! So, why should you choose to participate in the self-care trend? It is in magazine articles, social media, and advertising. It appears to be the “IT” thing right now.

Are you already part of the self-care trend? If not, should you be? Can it be a way to continue outwitting life? I think it might be worth trying.

While embarrassing to admit, self-care has been difficult for me to comprehend. It has never been a priority in my life. How sad is that? But how wonderful that self-care has become a trend right now!

Self-care sounds like an indulgence. When I heard about it, I immediately thought, “Ooh, I could go for a massage and Mani/Pedi.” Sounds lovely, right?

Self-care Is Much More Than You Think

However, self-care goes way beyond physical pampering. Self-care includes setting personal boundaries, establishing goals, and focusing on things that bring you joy. Does this trend interest you? It undoubtedly offers you ways to change your current situation. It sounds an awful lot like outwitting life to me!

Why You Should choose to Participate in the Self-Care trend

I find myself drawn to the concept of self-care. I have read how important it is to show your children that self-care is necessary. How ironic! When my children were young, practicing self-care seemed selfish to me. I believed Erin and Michael always needed to be my priority.

There is a reason the airlines tell you to put your oxygen mask on first. If you are right with yourself, it is easier to help others. I understand that now but I didn’t always. My mom worked daily, focusing on caring for the family, not herself. It was a different way of life.

When my turn came to raise my children, I, too, was focused on being a caretaker to my family. I’d have felt guilty had I practiced self-care at that time. Luckily, with all the focus on self-care now, my family is learning its benefits and importance together.

Why Pamper Yourself?

I have done a lot of reflection on the self-care “thing,” and I have decided I need to go for it. Below lists my top four reasons to jump on this trend.

  • Self-care makes you feel good. When you feel good, you do good. We all need more interest in our lives!
  • Self-care demands reflection. It would be best to think about what you need to feel good. When was the last time you put your needs first?
  • Self-care positively changes your mindset. Once you consistently feel good, you will begin to approach tasks with a winning attitude. As a result, life will start to feel “easier.”
  • If practiced consistently, self-care becomes a way of life. I could sure get used to that!
Love flowers? It’s okay to buy a bouquet for yourself, who knew?

Given all the positive benefits involved, you would think jumping on the self-care trend would be easy. Not for me! I am used to putting my head down and moving full speed ahead to attack tasks. I never reflect on whether this needs to be done now or at all.

Do you currently have a list of your priorities (written down or quickly ticked off in your head)? I am embarrassed to admit that I do not. Have you taken the time to set personal goals for yourself or your family? I always say that if I won Lotto, I would open a book store, sit around, and read all day. Interesting that I can rattle that ideal goal off, yet I couldn’t tell you where I genuinely want to be three years from now.

“Self-care is anything that you do for yourself that feels nourishing,”

 Marni Amsellem, PhD

The Everyday Health website posted a great article titled, “What is Self-Care and Why is it so Important to Your Health.” It would be best if you took a peek as it provides excellent insight into self-care. https://www.everydayhealth.com/self-care/

Shame on me. I know my daughter’s and son’s goals, yet, I have not entirely committed to my own. The craziest thing is that intellectually I know undefined goals are impossible to attain. So, what am I waiting for or afraid of? I have allowed myself to linger in limbo for too long. Oh boy, I sure have a lot of work to do!

It’s Time For Me to Practice Self-Care

Sometimes it is easier to plod along and pay no attention to details. I am tired of doing that. I need to embrace the self-care trend. In the cancer world, we talk about how if we look good, we feel better. I need to start feeling good so that I can do better.

Why Choose to Practice Self-Care
Holistic health concept of zen stones / Concept body, mind, soul, spirit

It has been a wishy-washy couple of years for me. Health issues seriously derailed my path. I feel like I have been running in place and getting nowhere. I know I can do better.

It is time for me to get to know myself better. It sounds silly even to type that, but it’s the truth. And it will take a lot of internal reflection on my part. I would never have thought I’d choose to embark on this path at my current age. However, I am excited to give it a try.

So, cheers to feeling excellent and outwitting life at any stage in our life! Who wants to join me? Please leave below and let me know if you are practicing self-care. Why or why not?

About The Author



  1. Jackie | 23rd Jun 21

    Thanks for this, Loretta! I can relate to this and am happy to say I have gotten pretty good at self-care. It’s changed my life and made life more balanced. I hope more people are doing the same. ❤️

    • Loretta | 24th Jun 21

      Good for you Jackie! Very happy to hear this is something you are aware of and practice. Thank you so much for the comment!

  2. Maryann Gowen | 19th Jul 21

    Hi Loretta.
    I am reading your page and feel like you are talking about me. I am sure those of us who have not tried this can relate. Your page is inspiring. I myself am now beginning a road of self-care. I need to take care of me so I can hopefully have more control of my future and the challenges that I’ll be facing in the very near future. Thank you for your inspiring words!

    • Loretta | 3rd Aug 21

      Thank you very much for the kind words Maryann. Glad you are finding inspiration in my blog. While no two journeys are alike, most share similarities. My apologies, I had a broken link on my page and am just seeing this comment today.

  3. Four Things I do To Help Lower my Holiday Anxiety | 19th Oct 21

    […] Side note: Earlier this year, I wrote a self-care post if you are looking for ideas. You can find it here: https://www.outwittinglife.com/why-you-should-choose-to-participate-in-the-self-care-trend/ […]

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