Are You Feeling Sad About the Dog Days of Summer?

It is the beginning of August, and man, it is hot. Are you feeling sad about the dog days of summer? I have heard this phrase used many times. Do you know the history behind the dog days of summer?

Believe it or not, this phrase has nothing to do with dogs. How disappointing! All these years, I have imagined a big hairy dog panting like crazy due to the dog days of summer. According to Reader’s Digest, the phrase “dog days of summer” actually has nothing to do with man’s best friend. The term dates back to the Greeks and Romans. And, they weren’t referring to real dogs, but to the great astronomical one, Sirius. The “Dog Star” is located in the constellation Canis Major, known as the Greater Dog, and is the brightest star that shines at night.

The Dog Days of Summer Are Real

What does the star Sirius have to do with the “dog days of summer”? According to the Farmer’s Almanac, during summer, Sirius is extraordinarily bright; it rises and sets with the sun at that time. Ancient Romans believed Sirius contributed to the sun’s heat and thus referred to this extremely hot period as diēs caniculārēs, or “dog days.” The term evolved to mean the 20 days before and after July 23, or July 3 to August 11, to coincide with Sirius aligning with the sun. However, depending on where you are in the world, the astronomical dog days and the rising of Sirius vary.

You can read more about the “science” behind dog days at: or

The Dog Days of Summer Are Now

Now that we have the origin of the phrase defined for us, how are you spending the dog days of summer? As I stated earlier, it is bloody hot! To those that say summer is their favorite season, are you happy now? I find that hard to comprehend. I have been sporting my infamous sweat mustache for the past two weeks. Not by choice! Also, I find myself a little sad.

I am wondering…am I sad due to the realization that summer is coming to an end? Or am I sad that I am miserable from the heat? How are you feeling? Do you have mixed emotions right now? It’s a weird time. I am not feeling energetic. A lull seems to have come over me. If I am not careful, I fear I will believe my glass to be half-empty. Yikes!

Don’t Let the Heat Stop Your Fun

Thank goodness I have had therapy and read insightful books that let me see this behavior developing, so I can correct it. I found a comprehensive list of dog days of summer activities we can all enjoy. It is by Country Living Magazine, and you can find it here: In addition, here are some of my favorite ideas:

Host a Pool Party. No pool? No problem. Make it a bring-your-own pool party. You provide the backyard hose, and your guests bring their own pool. It can be a plastic kiddie one or a blow-up one. End-of-summer sales are on, so guests should have no problem finding something. Give a small prize to the one with the best pool.

Pick up Sandwiches and eat dinner on the beach. I love being on the beach after 4 pm. There is always a breeze, most people have left, and it feels so relaxing.

Watch a sunrise or sunset. Doing something early or later in the day works to beat the heat.

Make some sweet tea and drink it while reading a book or magazine. You can do this outside while you enjoy the sun or inside enjoying the air conditioner! Be sure and research a good Southern recipe for the tea so it is authentic!

Find a place with live music. There’s nothing like in-person music! Check your town calendar for free concerts or go on Yelp and find restaurants on the water that offer entertainment.

Reach out to an old friend. Propose you do something together that you used to do “back in the day.” Perhaps you can visit the pizza place you used to frequent in high school (if it is still there). Find a way to bring back some nostalgia to your friendship!

Walk Through a Local Garden. Enjoy the late summer blooms by walking through your local botanical garden. Most areas have multiple places you can stop and smell the flowers. Google is your friend here.

Eagle Sundial at Westbury House. Courtesy of Westbury Gardens, NY

Enjoy These Dog Days of Summer

It may be towards the end of summer; however, there are still a few weeks left for your enjoyment. Please do not let lethargy take over and allow the heat to keep you home. Plan something fun from either the link I provided or my above suggestions. Fall will be here before you know it. Why not squeeze some fun in before you need to grab your sweater?

What end-of-summer activities do you have planned? Please share them in a comment below. I hope you have fun whatever you choose to do. Don’t forget to wear your sunscreen!

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  1. Mike | 7th Aug 23

    I can relate to be lazy during the dog days of summer because I’m feeling that way right now. However, I do like some of your ideas for getting thru the dog days of summer especially dinner at the beach. The beach in the evening is awesome.

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