The Universe’s Blurry Messages Are So Frustrating Right Now

Have you ever been on a highway and noticed a billboard but were too far away to read it? That is my life right now. I receive the universe’s blurry messages but can’t seem to read them. What is the point? Why does the universe send us blurry messages? It’s frustrating!

I know, I know, eventually, I will connect the dots, and all will be revealed…blah, blah, blah. But what if I don’t want to wait? I am a New Yorker and used to getting everything immediately. Last week, and completely unrelated to each other, I participated in two group discussions on FEAR. On the same day! That has to mean something, right?

Universe's Blurry Messages

What is so odd about this is that fear is normal for me. I experience fear every day as a breast cancer survivor. Nothing is a coincidence as far as I am concerned. So, why does fear keep popping up for me? Is it something I need to get over (let go), or is something coming at me that may involve more fear than usual? I wish God would offer a monthly Q & A session for clarity’s sake. Wouldn’t that be lovely?

I am convinced that the universe is attempting to message me. Yet, I can’t seem to see it right now. Some change is coming; I can sense it. I’d love to prepare for it if I only knew what it was.

Being Open to the Universe’s Blurry Messages

It is easy to miss messages from the universe. We sometimes go through our days without noticing what is happening around us. But if you look for the signs, you will receive them. Just stay open to getting guidance from the universe, even if the universe’s blurry messages do not make sense yet. They will!

Have you ever known who was calling before you looked at the screen? Have you sensed something was wrong with a friend before they told you? It is strange when this occurs. However, the closer you pay attention, the more you’ll feel someone else’s energy and know it is a sign.

I never used to believe any of this kind of stuff. It was always a quirky coincidence and was too “woo-woo” for me to be concerned. Not anymore. When I begin experiencing a few strange coincidences, I sit up straight and pay attention.

Blurry Messages

Do You Look For Angel Numbers?

Are you familiar with Angel Numbers? It’s when you check the time, and the numbers are all the same. Some days, I see this happen more than once on the same day. Here is a great article that details the meaning of noticing 3-4 identical numbers in a row: I like the idea that angels may be sending me signs. We can all use a little free guidance in our lives! Right?

I view seeing them as a sign I am on the right path. Sometimes, I ask to see them as confirmation I am doing what God wants me to. While this may sound hokey to you, it works for me. It resonates with me since I am Catholic and believe in God and angels. Do you believe in them?

Blurry Images

Readable Blurry Messages

I have been through enough McDonald’s drive-thrus to know the above is a picture of their french fries. While blurry, this sign is easily decipherable to me. It’s time for my Diet Coke.

On the flip side, I recently met someone I am drawn to. She is my complete opposite. I cannot figure out what the attraction is. She has turned me into a stalker on her social media channels. I wonder if the universe feels she has something to teach me. Or do I, deep down, want something she has? Should I be broadening my friend group? Or is she validating why I steer clear of these personality types?

I get that she has been placed in my life for a reason. However, the message is still blurry. I am trying to keep an open mind so the universe’s message will reveal itself. And I am imploring the universe to speed it up already!

Searching For Clarity From The Universe

So, I know what you are thinking. Who is writing this piece, and what have you done with my friend Loretta? I admit, this is not a typical outwittinglife blog. As I’ve mentioned, the older I get, the more curious I become, so I research things. Intuition has always fascinated me. But it scares me, too. I wrote all about intuition in March of 2022:

I have learned to “lean in” on my intuition. It’s made me trust myself more. It’s too early to tell if I will trust Angel Numbers’ messages. I will have to report back on this in a few months. In the meantime, I will actively look at them and record my feelings when viewing them. Someone asked me what time it was today, and it was 11:11. I took that to mean I should post this blog today!

As usual, kindly leave a comment if something I’ve written intrigues you. Thank you for reading this post.

About The Author



  1. Mike | 28th Nov 23

    Thank you for your blog today. I deal with fear all the time these days unfortunately. I need to understand fear is an emotion which I have control of however it has become relevant as I grow older. If I face my own fears the fear does not become so powerful which I can’t handle. Let us all live our lives to the fullest today. Again, thank you for another awesome blog.

    • Loretta | 28th Nov 23

      Thank you for your comment Mike. Facing your fears diminishes them but it is so hard to do!

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