When Was the Last Time You Relied on Your Intuition?

As I was typing a text to a friend last evening, a message from her popped up on my phone. Was I texting her because I intuitively knew she was thinking about me? When was the last time you relied on your intuition?

Do you ever know who is calling you when the phone is ringing? Or, have you thought of someone you have not seen in years and suddenly bumped into them at the grocery store? Is that a coincidence?

Is intuition random or something you can practice and develop?
Know this!

I used to be scared of my intuition. Whenever I thought of something that materialized, I would get “freaked out” (as my daughter would say). I would inevitably chalk it up to coincidence. Not anymore. Now, I listen to my inner voice more closely.

“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

Steve Jobs

When Was the Last Time You Relied on Your Intuition?

Being intuitive means you understand or know something without concrete evidence. Intuition is a gut feeling or sixth sense. Do you think you are intuitive? In my attempt at outwitting life, I use my intuition regularly. It’s been helping me define my purpose.

Here is an interesting article that identifies thirteen qualities of intuitive people. I checked many boxes; let me know if you do too. https://www.aconsciousrethink.com/3270/13-absurdly-awesome-traits-highly-intuitive-people/

My inner voice does not use factual information to make decisions. It is more of a hunch or gut feeling. When I hired salespeople, I relied on my inner voice. If the person did not seem right to me, I would not hire them. Sometimes their credentials were impressive, and they seemed the perfect “fit.” But, if my intuition were telling me no, I would not hire them. This sixth sense, or whatever you would like to call it, served me well.

Trusting Your Gut

While living in the midwest, I worked for a cellular phone company. A saleswoman there moved up quickly to a high management position. Everybody loved her. I did not. My inner voice told me not to trust her, so I always tread lightly around her.

She was relieved of her duties one day for embezzling $100K in company gift cards! Everyone was stunned but me. While I had no basis for my opinion, I knew not to trust her. My intuition was accurate, and I am glad I trusted my gut.

When was the last time you relied on your intuition?
Focusing In on Your Intuition

Physician Lissa Rankin, MD, wrote an article identifying “10 Traits of an Intuitive Person.” Trait number 3 discusses the exact situation I mentioned above. https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-25715/10-signs-youre-an-intuitive-dont-know-it.html. It says intuitive people are discerning. “You might meet someone everyone else likes, but you get red flags and warning bells screaming, “Stay away!” You can see through charisma, charm, beauty, and talent to sense the soul underneath.”

I got chills when I read this article. I was able to relate to so many of the traits identified. It was a fascinating read and has encouraged me to explore my intuition.

Have you ever had an opinion of someone contrary to everyone else’s? Were your gut instincts correct? If they were, I suggest you pay more attention to your inner voice.

When was the last time you relied on your intuition?
Dr. Rankin’s Success Path

Trust your instincts. Intuition doesn’t lie.

Oprah Wnfrey

Do you remember Hurricane Sandy? It did a lot of damage to Long Island. About four days after the storm, my daughter and I ventured out. We turned onto a street, and something told me not to go down it. There were tree limbs pushed to the side of the road, and our path was clear, but my inner voice was screaming at me to turn around.

As I was making a U-turn, a huge tree limb came crashing down about ten feet in front of us. It would have been a direct hit on our car had I kept driving. Thank goodness I paid attention to my inner voice!

This type of situation frequently happens to me. I have learned my inner voice or intuition is very reliable. I often wonder why that is. Is it truly MY voice that I am hearing?

Whose Voice Is It?

It’s no secret that I have a solid Catholic faith. Because of that, I wonder if my inner voice is really God. I decided hearing and recognizing my inner voice is one of God’s gifts and His way of taking care of me. After accepting that, it’s become easier for me to tune into my intuition.

However, I feel conflicted with my inner voice sometimes. It tells me to do things I am not always comfortable with, so I pretend I don’t hear it. Have you ever done this? There are times I cave into my paranoia instead of trusting my intuition. It’s a slippery slope once in a while. Does that make sense?

Intuition And Your Cancer Journey

Is there a way to use intuition in navigating a cancer journey or some other tragedy? I believe yes! The trick is in trusting your gut instincts. Find a different doctor if you are not comfortable with the one everyone has recommended. It’s your choice, and you do not owe anyone an explanation.

When first diagnosed with breast cancer, I went to the oncologist recommended by my gynecologist. I loved her! Many people suggested that I get multiple opinions, but I did not. My inner voice told me I was right where I needed to be, and I listened. I have no regrets.

Is intuition random or something you can practice and develop?
Listen to Your Inner Voice

I am not advocating you meditate, connect with your inner voice, and design your own cancer treatment. Pay attention if your inner voice starts pushing back on something. Be sure to research whatever is making you feel uncomfortable and trust your gut.

My gut is telling me I have said enough for today! I hope something I have written resonates with you or gets you noticing your intuitive side. Please let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.

Happy Tuesday!

About The Author



  1. The Universe's Blurry Messages are so Frustrating Right Now | 28th Nov 23

    […] So, I know what you are thinking. Who is writing this piece, and what have you done with my friend Loretta? I admit, this is not a typical outwittinglife blog. As I’ve mentioned, the older I get, the more curious I become, so I research things. Intuition has always fascinated me. But it scares me, too. I wrote all about intuition in March of 2022: https://www.outwittinglife.com/when-was-the-last-time-you-relied-on-your-intuition/. […]

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