
“Emerging” is The New Book You Need to Read

“Your hard matters,” according to Nancy Stordahl. How true! We all experience hard things in life, albeit to varying degrees. Emerging is the new book you need to read. I could not put it down. Typically, I am not enamored by others’ cancer stories. It is sort of a been there, done that scenario. However, Emerging is different. It hit me hard, so I wanted to write…

Procrastinating After Cancer Can Be A Good Thing

Are you guilty of procrastinating? Me, too. Is a life-changing trauma holding you back from outwitting life? It can, but only if you let it. Procrastinating after cancer can be a good thing. I have been struggling with the fear of reinventing myself, and I have only recently allowed myself to face this fear. Denial is so much easier. Fear has caused me to procrastinate writing my blog. Fear…

Why Life-Long Friendships Are Stronger Than Cancer

(A personal reflection of the friendship I shared with Kerrie Valdner-Flynn) Last week was a sad week; cancer took away a close friend. But life-long friendships never die. While cancer may have taken Kerrie, it did not touch our relationship. It could not erase the beautiful memories I have of a fifty-year-plus association. I feel lucky to have Kerrie as a lifelong friend. We go as…

Live Elegantly after a Breast Cancer Battle

Is it possible to live elegantly after a breast cancer battle? The older I get, the more fashion-conscious I am becoming. The last thing I want to do is dress frumpy. Nothing screams old more than frumpy! (Isn’t that a great word?) I also do not want to be the woman who dresses inappropriately (too young). Is there a balance? I intend to find it so I…

Why My Life and The New York Mets are Connected

I love baseball. I mean, I really LOVE baseball. The anticipation of my beloved New York Mets’ Opening Day makes me feel giddy. I have such hope at the beginning of the baseball season. For me, it signifies the official start of Spring and opportunity abounds! Many of my happiest memories are tied to baseball. I was introduced to the Mets at a very young age. My mother and…

Month-Long Birthday Fun!!

My birthday month is finally coming to an end, and it was quite eventful! Trying to plan something for every day was a big challenge and I learned that it is not easy having fun. You have to work at it. And, boy, did I! As of Wednesday, I became “in my 60’s.” Yikes! That sounds so much older than “in my 50’s…