Stress-Free Christmas Planning

It’s the first week of November and that means it is time to start planning for the holidays to ensure they remain stress-free for you this year. I have taken a November calendar and added my tasks directly to it, printed it and have it hanging above my desk staring me in the face every day! I don’t know about you but I just LOVE placing a line directly through a task once I complete it. It gives me a wonderful sense of accomplishment. And, each time you strike through a task, you know you are getting closer to your overall goal. I love that!

I encourage you to create your own calendar that reflects tasks specific to your holiday “to-do’s.” I set dates for sending out Christmas cards and baking cookies because that is what I like to do. Typically, everyone has some sort of tradition they follow for the holidays, what’s yours? Would setting-up a timeline for the next two months inspire you to get more things accomplished? That works for me, especially when I put my goals in a place where I see them every day. We all need a gentle “nudge” now and again, right?

These all arrived the same day!

As I am sure you must have noticed, our mailboxes are already getting stuffed with catalogs every day. It really amazes me how there is a catalog for everything! I am pointing out the catalog arrivals because it is your hint that it is time for you to make a list of everyone you plan on purchasing a gift for. This way, while browsing through the catalogs you can cut out items that would be a good “fit” for someone on your list. I am using a manila folder and literally writing across the item in a marker with the person’s name I want to get the item for. Then I am tearing the sheet right out of the catalog and putting it in my folder. This way, I can either look the model number up on-line or show it to a salesperson in-store so they can help me find it. Do you prefer to shop in-store or online? I am typically a touchy-feely type and like going to the store, however, often-times the store lines can get long and try my patience. I like shopping online for myself but not always when I am buying a gift. So, I anticipate most of my shopping will be in a store. I do not plan on encountering many lines because I am doing my shopping EARLY. This is going to be my stress-free holiday, remember?

If you are an online shopper, now is the time to look for free shipping. It is typically only available during November. The stores seem to take this perk away the closer it gets to Christmas. Also, some of the larger department stores are now running their “Friends and Family” specials. This is the only time you can get discounts on designer names and beauty products that are usually on their exclusion list during other sales cycles. So, if you need to get new Ugg Boots or fancy face cream from Clinique, now is the time to get them at Macy’s! Also, I happened to be at the Dollar Store today and they were stocking their shelves with cookie containers. They had some very nice ones and best of all, they’re all $1.00! All you bakers out there might want to visit a Dollar Store soon. The stock person told me the containers move fast.

How cute are these? I cannot wait to fill them! Gotta love the Dollar Store.

How about budgeting? Do you typically have a budget in mind for the gifts you purchase? Or, do you simply have an overall number in mind that you will spend for the holidays all-in? Having been focusing on budgeting the past couple of months I am approaching things differently this year. I have decided to break my budget out into categories: Gifts for immediate family; gifts for God Children; gifts for friends; Kris Kringle gift; Entertaining; Adopt a Family; Mailman/Garbage men; and baking. And, let’s not forget decorating and wrapping! Whew, that’s a lot of categories to have, but, by simply identifying them and placing a budget figure on them, I will be more creative in my gift selections and less inclined to become frivolous (which I have had a tendency to do in previous years).  

I encourage you to start making lists this week. I know it is early and we’re barely past Halloween (anyone else eating left-over candy?) but Christmas will be here in a snap. It’s okay to start the Christmas planning and switch to Thanksgiving. What’s most important is to have a plan and stick to it. I promise you that it will make your Christmas so much less stressful. Are you with me?

P.S. I will be posting a Christmas packet on Friday that you can use to stay organized this holiday season. Keep an eye out for an email announcing when it’s available!

About The Author



  1. Janet | 7th Nov 19

    Thanks, very helpful!! Will start my list today

    • Loretta | 7th Nov 19

      Glad you found this helpful. Keep me posted on your progress.

  2. Barbara | 7th Nov 19

    Thanks, Loretta. Going to take a lesson from you and be organized and start early this year to get everything done. Looking forward to seeing your packet.

    • Loretta | 7th Nov 19

      Great! Keep me posted on how things are going.

  3. Gerri | 7th Nov 19

    Great ideas Loretta!

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