
Three Unique but Cheap Ideas to Celebrate Valentine’s Day

When you have been married 30+ years, Valentine’s Day doesn’t seem as much fun as it once was. So, in the spirit of outwitting life, I’ve come up with three unique but cheap ideas to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Would you like to bring back some fun to February 14 also? On my husband and I’s first Valentine’s Day…

Tips to Make Dollar Tree Work for You

I admit it; I never wanted to learn anything about Dollar Tree. If you’ve been following my blog, you know that I have frequently copped to not paying attention to money and budgeting for most of my life. I crashed into the savings world due to getting cancer and losing my career a few years ago. Had I paid attention sooner, my nest egg would certainly be a…

Money Management During This Quarantine Time

Most of us have been hunkering down and self-quarantining for about five weeks now. I don’t know about you, but in my entire adult life, I have never had five weeks of vacation in a row. I certainly never had vacation time without the ability to go anywhere! These are different times; you may have been required to take a furlough or been permanently laid-off from…

Want to Take Control During Quarantine?

Who knew that when I started this blog a year ago, that outwitting life would become a necessity during Covid 19? Well, it has. Suddenly, everything has changed. We are all working from home or not working at all. Schools are remotely teaching lessons, or parents are home-schooling. Sports are canceled, and we’re being asked to self-quarantine to keep everyone safe. Social distancing is the current…

Stress-Free Christmas Planning

It’s the first week of November and that means it is time to start planning for the holidays to ensure they remain stress-free for you this year. I have taken a November calendar and added my tasks directly to it, printed it and have it hanging above my desk staring me in the face every day! I don’t know about you but I just LOVE placing a…

Big Win at the Grocery Store!

I finally did it! I was able to stick to my list and stay under my budget at Aldi this weekend. It took a little bit of prepping ahead of time – probably about forty-five minutes or so. I started by “shopping” my own pantry first and then making a meal plan for next week. This way I am only buying what we truly need. Our typical…