Want to Take Control During Quarantine?

Who knew that when I started this blog a year ago, that outwitting life would become a necessity during Covid 19? Well, it has. Suddenly, everything has changed.

We are all working from home or not working at all. Schools are remotely teaching lessons, or parents are home-schooling. Sports are canceled, and we’re being asked to self-quarantine to keep everyone safe. Social distancing is the current buzz word. Our economy is in jeopardy. But, worst of all, people are dying from Covid 19.

While it may seem as if I am describing an episode of “Twilight Zone,” the sad fact is that this is happening all over the world. The Covid 19 virus has left its mark on every state in America and is impacting countries around the globe. These are scary times.

It is also the perfect time to start outwitting life consciously. How can you do that? Let’s start with the basics – our routines. At this point, I believe it is safe to say that all of our habits have changed. Those of you that commuted to work are now working from home. Those working from home currently have an entire family as officemates. Both situations are challenging.

What you need to do is create a new work routine. Try and include anything you can of your previous routine. Did you always pick up a Starbucks on your way into work or, perhaps, a Diet Coke, like me? You can still do that. Drive-thrus are open (thank goodness).

Dining Room Table aka makeshift Corona 19 home office

Designate an area as your home office. Establish ground rules with your family. I worked from home for fifteen years once. My children knew if my office door was shut to interrupt me only “If someone was bleeding or the house was on fire.” Take breaks and lunch at the same time every day. It will help your family to know when they can approach you.

Ditto for when you start and stop working. One of the dangers of working from home is to keep working (especially if you deal with multiple time zones). You need to determine a start time and an end time for yourself and stick to it. Side note: I always found it ironic that most people think if you work from home, you are wasting time all day. Not true at all!

If you set the right expectations, working from home will be okay. If you find you are missing the time you would typically spend with colleagues, set up a Zoom call once a week so you can all check-in with each other.

If you are home-schooling young children, keep them on the same night time and morning routines. Nothing needs to change. If your children are participating in online learning, then you need to make sure they have a comfortable spot in the house for them to sit and work. Give them the same after school snacks that you used to provide.

The closest you can stay to the routine your children know, the better it will be for all of you. It might be useful to create a daily schedule and post it on the refrigerator, so your children know what to expect each day.

Sample Daily Schedule

  • Breakfast
  • Online Learning
  • Lunch
  • Homework
  • Chores
  • Outside Play Time
  • Dinner
  • Family Time
  • Bed Time

Have you lost your job due to Covid 19? Having cash flow issues at this time will significantly add to your stress. Now is not the time to try and figure things out as you go along. You need to work on a budget asap.

Use your quarantine time to research all the benefits companies are offering right now. Call your mortgage, gas, and electric companies and see if they are offering any concessions due to Covid 19. Some mortgage companies have announced a 90-day grace period. Our car insurance just informed us that they would be providing us with a 15% rebate. There may be some options out there that can help you – look for them.

Put together a budget based on your current situation. While this can be an overwhelming task, please know it will be temporary. Chances are, you will find things you can cut back on significantly just by paying attention to what you are spending.

When we found ourselves in a very challenging financial situation, I was able to reduce our grocery bill by over $500 a month. I strictly shopped once per week and only at an Aldi grocery store. I never went to the store without a list, and I kept to a budget. Believe me, if I can do it, you can too.

When changes occur in your life unexpectedly, you do not have to roll over and let things happen. You can take control of your situation. You can figure out ways to outwit the life you are facing. A little planning goes a long way.

While I have never been in the middle of a pandemic before, I have found myself needing to adapt to a new life. I have managed to survive through outwitting life in many ways. We are going to get through this, and most of us, God willing, are going to be survivors.

I would encourage you to keep a sense of humor. Things will not be perfect. Allow yourself to feel some levity, if at all possible. Laughter truly is good for the soul. Wash your hands, practice social distancing and take control of those things you are able to. You will come out of this stronger and more confident in your own abilities.

Please remember to be kind to others during this time – from a distance, of course! Lastly, a dear nurse friend of mine told me today that it is officially ok to eat ice cream for breakfast. Maybe you could make that part of your family’s new routine?

About The Author



  1. Joan McCool Kelly | 2nd Apr 20

    Hey LORETTA! I got a chuckle laugh at your BLOG. It was not a LOL at you, the situation or reality but more how ingenious you are. I am having the time of my life. Just ordered 150 face masks from Amazon! Oh did I mention my fractured foot and ankle or the sniffles, sneezing and cough? No BIGGIE as I have a trip to the oncologist Friday. I believe you said, things happen for a reason. I met her I guess 8 years ago after I decided to get married again and came down with the big C. It decided it had not taken enough from me so I was neutered the following summer! Since then, I have always known my physical and mental health were in good hands. Anyway, just wanted to get back to you and let you know I think your BLOG is great and enjoyed reading it. Take care and be safe!

    • Loretta | 2nd Apr 20

      Thanks, Joanie, I appreciate your kind words. Very happy you are enjoying my blog. You stay safe too!

  2. Cindy | 14th Apr 20

    It is a strange time, isn’t it? Love Aldi! It is a German company and reminds me of shopping there when I lived in Germany. Thanks for the inspiring ideas!

    • Loretta | 14th Apr 20

      Thanks so much for the comment Cindy. I love Aldi too! I have never lived outside of the US. Lucky you to have spent time in Germany!

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