
Four Simple Holiday Depression Hacks You Could Use Today

This time of year tends to bring out all the “feels.” For some of us, that means holiday depression rather than seasonal merriment. But there’s no need to despair. Luckily, there are four simple holiday depression hacks you could use today. They are also relatively easy. Did you lose a loved one this year? Suffer any health challenges within your family? Perhaps you or your spouse…

What Control Do You Really Have Over Your Destiny?

How do you handle a “what if” situation? What control do you really have over your destiny? For example, what if that guy broadsided you instead of going up on the grass, or what if that candle you left burning destroyed your home? Do you ever have any nearlys in your life? How do you handle them? Having a brush with tragedy is very jarring. It does involve…

Strangers That Have Inspired Me to Be a Better Person

Thank goodness for strangers–they literally saved my life. I found the strangers that have inspired me to be a better person on Instagram. They are accompanying me on my Outwitting Life journey. In fact, they inspired me to be a better person. It’s been happening slowly this past year. Thanks to inspiration from strangers, I have been taking baby steps and branching out of my comfort…

Five Quick and Easy Cold-Weather Dinner Recipes

The recent chill means it’s time to pull out my top five quick and easy cold-weather dinner recipes. They are cheap and tasty. Now that we’re full-swing into winter, I am looking forward to making them again. No more McDonald’s (or takeout) for us in 2022, except for my Diet Coke, of course. Do you have recipes that you only make in…

Does Your Faith Still Sustain You Post-Cancer?

It’s been three years since I wrote this post, and I still rely on my faith daily. Does your faith still sustain you post-cancer? While some of my routines have changed, my faith hasn’t faltered. I feel so lucky to have such a strong foundation. Do you believe in God? Do you turn to him when tragedy strikes? If not, what do you do? My…