
When Was the Last Time You Relied on Your Intuition?

As I was typing a text to a friend last evening, a message from her popped up on my phone. Was I texting her because I intuitively knew she was thinking about me? When was the last time you relied on your intuition? Do you ever know who is calling you when the phone is ringing? Or, have you thought of someone you have not seen in years and suddenly…

A New Side Effect is Joining My Cancer Journey and It’s Scary

Do you get that “pit” feeling in your stomach when you are afraid? I do. There’s a new side effect joining my cancer journey and it’s scary. I have been walking around with that pit feeling due to a new fear. It is so uncomfortable, yet I know I have to get through it. This is not my first rodeo, and you would think…

How to Avoid a Breast Cancer Relapse After Five Years of Survival

According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), there is a 90% five-year survival rate for women with my initial breast cancer diagnosis. Terrific odds. After that, what happens? How can I avoid a breast cancer relapse after five years of survival? Interestingly, the five-year mark of surviving cancer is recognized, but nothing else past that seems to matter. After five years, can you assume you will not…

Five Things Overwhelming Me Right Now (sort of)

What a wacky start 2022 has been! There are five things overwhelming me right now (sort of) that are hindering my enjoyment of starting a new year. Usually, I would be feeling overwhelmed in December during the holiday season. But, I had covid and didn’t celebrate anything last month. We had our family Christmas on January 2nd. It was anti-climatic. I am not complaining, as it was…

Four Things I do To Help Lower my Holiday Anxiety

Do the holidays make you anxious? They make me very nervous. However, I’ve come up with four things I can do to help lower my holiday anxiety. Every year I vow I will do things differently and not allow myself to get stressed and caught up in holiday anxiety. Sound familiar? These four things helped me be less anxious last year. Four Ways I Lower My Holiday Anxiety…

Why Should You Choose to Participate in the Self-care Trend?

Self-care seems to be everywhere! So, why should you choose to participate in the self-care trend? It is in magazine articles, social media, and advertising. It appears to be the “IT” thing right now. Are you already part of the self-care trend? If not, should you be? Can it be a way to continue outwitting life? I think it might be worth trying. While embarrassing…